
Borazine is a inorganic compound containing 3-3 nitrogen and boron with 6 hydrogen atoms. Borazine is cyclic in structure having polar de-localized pie-electrons. Due to the polarity of the electrons in the structure they are highly reactive.It have aromatic smell and colorless for eyes.Sometimes borazine is also known as borazol, borazole or benzol.

Structure of BorazinePhysical Properties of Borazine:

Molecular Formula: B3N3H6
Molar Mass:  80.50 g/mol
Color : Colorless
Odor :Odorless 
Mpt : -58 degree C
Bpt : 161 C 

Borazine is commonly known as inorganic benzene. Due to the followings reasons it is known as inorganic benzene.

  • Like benzene, borazine is also consists of hexagonal ring.
  • Like benzene, borazine also have de-localized pie-electrons with aromatic character.
  • Borazine also participate in addition and substitution reaction like benzene.
  • Physical properties of borazine benzene are also similar such as molecular weights, melting and boiling point, enthalpy of vaporization.

Re-activity of Borazine:

The only one difference between borazine and benzene is that borazine is more reactive than benzene.

In benzene, pie-electrons are completely de-localized in the ring however in borazine due to difference in electronegativity between Boron and Nitrogen the B-N bond become polar further more the pie-electrons are partially de-localized in the ring. Consequently, the borazine ring become weak and less stable hence it is more reactive than benzene.
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